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PLATO'S THE REPUBLIC           (4 Week Course)

Course Introduction

Plato grew up in Athens two generations after the the Persian Wars (499-449 BCE), a period in which all Athenian citizens were at liberty to arrange their lives as they so chose. Socrates, a generation before him, had decided against money-making in favour of thinking about truth. Though hailing from a much wealthier background than his predecessor, Plato followed suit and became his student. The Republic, along with the ApologyCrito and Phaedo present to us dramatically, in dialogue form, and in Plato's words, the thoughts of Socrates.

       Greek intellectual life flourished at this time...

  Course Overview

In this 4-week course we will cover all of the above in close detail.  This particular course also has the option of a second module, with the following topics to be covered in each: 


Module I:


* What is Justice? Why be Just? (Books 1-2)

* Utopia/Class Society/The Luxurious City (Book 2)

* Education of the Guardians/Against Poetry (Books 2-3)

* The Selection of Leaders. (Books 3-4)

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